Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

unforgettable moment♡

halooo! tanggal brp skrg? hayoooh? tgl 18 Desember. & gue dtg ke Glovitix II brg si @ketketya...........
I'm just a little girl who wants to tell u 'bout my unforgettable moment.

so?what now? story telling+_+
iya, jd awalnya si kety kermh gue dan dr rmh gue lgsg caw ke 216 Glovitix. bgtu sampe sana ada angie sigar fadila alan rahadian medi aby radi........gue br inget ohiya anak basketnya abis ambil piala.
udah gt sigar alan angie fadila balik tp karena hujan jd mereka ke 7e matraman dulu. angie diboncengin sigar naik motor, kalo alan boncengin fadila.
udah gitu............?
iyaa trs gerimis kantuh ya pokoknya gue sm kety nontonin band yg manggung lah blablabla.
tiba2 ada yg ngeping gue, taunya si angie. gue disrh ke 7e sm dia. nahlo mau ngapain yakan? kan gue gatau apa2. yaudah pas dr.k manggung gue jalan kesana, si kety gaikut dia mau di 216 aja,yasudah. hm yaaa, ngaret2 dikitlah hahahaha maapin ya kalian kan baik!muah:*
udah gt sampe 7e trs gatau gue ngapain cm ddk doang. tdnya mereka2 pd mau kermh gue tp gakjddd>.<
yaudah, finally goes to gading bzbzbz.

awalnya gue tdnya mau brg angie aja naik taksi sm si christie&katon tetapi ada paksaan tiba2.
angie gajd naik motor sm sigar, malahan gue yg disuruh diboncengin sama demi allah seneng&malu ada loh pas saat itu.
udah gt yasudah gue otw 99 dulu sama sigar alan fadila. yg di taksi lgsg ke gading.
trs gue sm sigar nyampe duluan di 99, alan fadila gatau dmn.
"trs skrg kita ngapain?" kata sigar. "gatau ga ngapa2in" gue jwb. trs nungguin alan fadila dpn sklh ddk di motor berdua doang berasa org pacaran........&#*%(#$@bzbzbz
gaklama fadila alan dtg trs lgsg caw ke kost-an kak rizqy udh gt alan fadila naik naro piala trs turun lg.
trs cuaca tdk mendukung gt panas terik+gerimis.
pas mau naik motor sigar blg"udahnih pake jacket gue aja"*speechless*seketika. anjir demi apa sigar kyk gini? sosweet abis♡
yaudah gue ambil aja tp blm gue pake,trs blk ke 99 lagi si alan tuker motor trs fadila balik. si alan tuker motor doang dan itu sangat amat lama..............
gue sm sigar sampe bosen nungguin nya mana ujan di sklh, yaudah ddk dl disklh bertigaan doang.sedih ya:<
udah gt selesai tuker motor trs gue baru pk jacketnya sigar........and then otw gading bertiga doang.
sampe gdg gue balikin jacketnya sigar trs ke fc gdg 3. udh ditungguin sm angie katon dan christie.
really sorry we late. salahin alan aja!

udah gt belii makan bertiga lagi. emg yah bertigaan mulu gue aja heran>.<
trs gatau tb2 masa gue sm alan dibayarin sigar makan nya.................
demi gaenak bgt, mau ganti tp katanya gakusah. yasudah thanks yaaa gar☺
trs abis makan pd pulang. gue kermh angie.

really thanks for today all☺ I don't know what I have to say anymore. anyway, I'm really happy today. i love you dude!♥
especially for one that brought me down to gading and hangout together! I love you!♡☺

----> mempersingkat cerita

dr sore sampe malem gue dirmhnya angie. udah gt nyokapnya angie ngajakin jalan katanya mau nntn midnight kan ya yaudah. gue angie nykpnya dan omnya ber4.
ehya sampe jam 10 blm jalan2 juga, pdhl ngajakinnya jam 7.T.T
udah gt jam stgh 11 br jalan. dijalan pd gamau nntn pd gajd. dan alhasil....................what?
we goes to? Kemang. sampe sana jam 11 di kff. trs yaudahlah makan2 doang.
trs iseng2 gue sama angie nyebrang ke la codefin. tau ngaapain?
ya sama gue aja gaktau ngapain nyebrang, org cm jalan2 doang=_=wakakaka.
trs yaudah. ngegaul dikit ke kemang gppkali. he-he-he
balik jam 00.30. sampe rmh jam 01.00. trs tiduuur. 
sepanjang perjalanan gue ditemenin bbm-an sama....................♥.♥

okelah bye! I want to repeat the incident today. can I?

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

just wanted to tell my blog that isn't important

heyooo blogger! sudah 3 bulan gue ga posting2 ya? kangen gak sama gue? kangen dong HAHAHA
seperti judul blog gue, gue cuma pgn menceritakan hal yang tidak penting.
terserah mau baca atau ngga, okeoke?

sebelum2nya gue gaprnh posting gue balikan kan yah tiba2 pas posting birthday gue, gue udah balikan sm si sigar-_-wkwk maapin ya maapin
iya jd sebenernya gue balikan sm dia pas tanggal 280710. tapi....................................
hanya bisa bertahan sampai 181010☹.
pas putus gue cuman bisa nangis doang trs gatau mau berbuat apalg, yakali takdirnya cm bs sampe situ doang
trs udah gt skrg udah 1 bulan gue menjalani hari without him....ese>.<
yaudahlah skrg gue udah putus, dan kemungkinan bsr ga akan balikan krna sikon nya tdk memungkinkan lg.
1.He already owned by someone.
     ya wish u both have a long relationship, but actually I was jealous to see how you too loved her
2.He said he has no sense of anythin' else to me.
3.Maybe he has forgotten all the memories between us? yap!
ohya, yesterday, he said to me if he already read my blog!!!!!!!! OMG, how can u read ma blog? I feel so ashame,boy!!!!!
I think, ma blog will never read by him. But, why he can read ma blog now? Where do he knw? AAAAA:[
but after he read all story of my blog, he said to me"why I wanna cry?"Sesedih itukah blog gue? I think Ya! bcse too much story 'bout u, and memories between us:[
you already read the story... And I wish you knw how I feel to u now:{
hope you can feel, how it feels to keep a sense of it for 7 months??
now u can realize, how I feel? can u understand my feel?
ya, Mim. forget the past, everything will be useless. you can't back through the past. stop thinkin' 'bout how good the past was, start living in the present and await ur future. 

if I may be honest, actually I'm still love you. but what could I do? we're not together. and I've no right to forbid you to love the others person. 
maybe you do not have the same feelings with me,ryt? never mind. 
I'm still waiting for you, but just for awhile. not to forever.

this story of my blog is not important isn't it?
awkay, just it. see ya soon blogger!

Senin, 13 September 2010

If you're not the one - Daniel Bedingfield

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed? 
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my husband?
I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with 

And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand 
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am 
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms?

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Happy Ied 1431 H


Minal aidin wal faidzin yaaa semua, maafin kalo gue punya salah yang di sengaja ataupun engga:-D
udah lebaran nih eh udah lewat deng haushshah
eh eh emg bener deh, tahun ini 2010 tuh nothing special.....
mau banget balik ke 2009... so many things special in that year:'(
dannnnnnnnnnnn, guess what?
in this year,THR gue menurun drastis ya allah, pengaruh karena gue tambah tua kali ya?? sedih banget o.0

hmmm gue lagi galau se galau galau nya galau, udah seminggu loh gue lostcontact sm cowo gueT.T
janjinya dia mau beli pulsa, masa iya sampe skrg blm beli pulsa juga? gue sms gadibls mulu, maunya apa coba?
ga ada kabarnya sama sekali sih keselin banget ya allah
yang gue tau cuman lo itu mudik ke bandung dan gue gatau berapa hari....??
puhlease perginya jgn lama-lama, buruan kabarin gue lagiiii:(

where'd you go? I miss you so
you go so long and it seemed like forever.
did you know you I'm here waiting for you?
go back to home, puhlease..............


Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Birthday Girl

heyooo, aku habis berulang tahun loooh
tapi tanggal 16 Agustus kmrn hiehie, baru sempet posting sekarang aja hawhaw
now I'm 14 years old, getting old huh? HA HA-,-

ehiya pas di hari ulang tahun gue, ada satu yg kurang.
gue kira akan complete, sahabat2 gue udah ada, temen2, pacar gue ngga ada disekolah:'(
dia pergi ke luar kota ke Solo bareng sm kaka nya&gue gatau ngapain
jahat yaaa....????
di hari special gue dia malah pergi ninggalin gue:'(
aaaaaaaaaa sakit hati kl inget-inget yg itu lagi fufufu
tp beruntungnya gue si pacar gue Fariz Stefano Sigar
dia orang yg ngucapin PERTAMA kali ke gue☺♥
thanks a lot ay♥ even if you do not exist here now, but you've made me happy. you're the first person who said "Happy Birthday" to me! love you♥
hmm oya thanks a lot all♥
yg udah ngucapin dr telfon,sms,twitter,facebook,msn,&ketemu langsung!

thanks a lot for Fariz Stefano Sigar, mommy, mama maya, kak uta, kety, eyang, debby, putssyyy, yekho, anton, puspa, oma, sheby, rania, aulia, asyifa, mama melly, daffa, hector, om enri, tante peggy, nabiel, kak putri, om mercy, om ari,yuvira, nanda, mutia, radi, valo, pilla, fadila, riri, ria, tya, &others. msh bnyk gabs disebutin satusatu, maaaaaf:')

once again thanks a lot y'all,kiss&hug mwah!♥☺

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

angket kelas


hari ini ceritanya penghitungan angket kelas....
trs pas ngisi angket, gue asal asal aja isinya. dan cuman org yg gue tau doang sifatnya yg gue isi bener-_-"
trs udah gitu tadi pas dihitung...

o> Tercantik : Bella
o> Terganteng: Rico
o> Termanis : (lupa)
o> Terpelit : Didit
o> Ternyolot : Didit
o> Tergaul : Mima
o> Terbokep : Anen
o> Terfamous : Mima

&&&&&gue gatau lagi gue lupa
TerimaKasih banyak sudah mengisi angket itu ya IX-8
cuman itu doang yg mau gue posting
eeeeeh tunggu, blm deng ada lagi sedikit informasi. tp gamau tau jg gapapa org gapenting kok wkwk canda:-D

we're back together! FSS&RDA♥♥
28710♥ I hope no one interfere with our relationship again as before.

angket kelas

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


masa ya masa.....lo tauga gue ditulis apa aja di angket????

nihya sedih banget jadi gue itu ter....

o> tergalak
o> terpelit
o> termanis
o> terjayus


anjir ye emang, segalak ape gue coba? sampe banyak banget yg ngisi gue tergalak?? rata rata dr kls 74 sampe 78 tuh uhuk-,-"zzz

trs ya kan anak kelas 7 yg mos disuruh bawa coklat kan ya, berhubung anak kelas 7 nya gada yg gue taksir jadi gue ga ngeharepin coklat dari cowo
trs gue cuman dapet coklat 5 malangnyo nasibku ya tp takapalah---"
yang paling banyak itutuh si nichan,nanda,rara,pilla,angie. grrrr bagi bole kale...?+_+

sekian dan terimakasih:D